
43 things

I can't remember if I've ever told you guys about 43things.com.

I love it. Being a List People and all.

It's called 43 Things because your list can only be 43 things long. I say 'only' knowing that some people think that 43 is a lot!! And other people (like me) don't think it's nearly enough. Having the boundary is nice, though...we all know I love boundaries.

The list I made is haphazard and has no sense of order or ranking, because I love me some boundaries but you can be sure I'll be going crazy once I know the limits.

I'm going to take the next few days and go over the items on my list, because I feel like it's time to reevaluate some of the choices and I wouldn't mind some onlookers and inputters.

We'll start with the first 5, with my commentary in italics:

1. Meet Anne Lamott - she's one of my favorite authors and I want to experience her presence to augment my appreciation of her voice.

2. Write a book - I'm pretty sure almost every person in this country wants to write a book of some sort.

3. Get another dog - waiting for the right timing. It may happen as early as this August! Or maybe next August. We'll see. I'm getting to the point of ready, though.

4. Floss every day for a month - because I don't floss regularly, and I feel guilty about this. If I can do it every day for a month, then the habit is pretty much there....right??

5. Get another ear piercing - Brian and I want to do this together, left ear at the top. I'm guessing we'll do it in celebration of him finding a job...as a youth minister...because we are that kind of klassy.

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