We recently bought a new mission-style coffee table and matching end tables off craigslist. They're heavy, and sturdy, and the right size and height, a style we like, and they fit other 'wants' we had for a coffee table.
Before buying, I checked and found that the set is made by a 'real' furniture place. Not shoddy. We picked them up in great condition for 1/6th the current list price. Not bad, right?
Well, the lady who sold them to us kept tauting the fact that they are 'real wood' and 'not veneer.'
I guess a few weeks sitting in the heat of a Denver garage in September proved her wrong.
Now if I could just find the box with the super glue, maybe my table would stop grabbing my leg every time I walk past it!!
ugh... I would NOT be happy with that lady... unless somehow she herself didn't know.