
got apps? or app suggestions?

You've seen it before. You'll see it again. It goes something like this:

Hey guys! Guess what! I'm getting an iphone! I need some apps to go with it! Send me your suggestions!

Conversely, you'll see lots of people blogging lists of their favorite iphone apps. It's kind of a popular topic, and with good reason.

Trouble is, I never read those. Because I didn't have an iphone. 

But hey guys! Guess what! I'm getting an iphone!

Actually, I'm getting Brian's old iphone and HE'S getting the new one. Not to be technical or anything. 

But anyway - do you have any favorite apps? Do you know of any good lists of apps? Anything else you can tell me?

If I get enough responses, I'll even compile the list to share. How's that for a deal?


  1. <>

    Are you passionate about the world cup? If so, then this is the game for you! Choose a team, and every snagged square will show the national flag of that country. Make sure you snag more squares than all the other world cup countries!


    Have fun!



  2. All my iPhone friends and fam are obsessed with words with friends. It's scrabble for the phone, basically. That's all I know about, being a lame regular phone person.


Thank you so much for taking a moment to leave a comment. I love hearing from you!
