
an open letter to my readers

Dear Readers, all 4 of you:

I am tired. I am really tired this week. I'm not sure what's up, except for the obvious matter of staying up too late and getting up too early, and tossing and turning all night. And doing the 30 day shred every morning for the past 8 days (go me!).

As an aside, my computer is really tired too. It's making all these weird gurgling noises, and I am going to back everything up today just in case.

The thing is, because I'm so tired, I am really behind. On everything. No, really. Everything. Every blog post this week has gone up late. Like, a day late. I'm usually not more than 2 loads of laundry from having a zero-laundry pile. Right now, I've got about 5 loads waiting for me. I have work that I was going to try to finish last weekend that I haven't started. I have a MUST DO list from Monday that hasn't been touched. There has not been a scrap of bread in my house for 3 days.

I am so tired.

I don't know why I haven't been sleeping well lately, and I don't know what to do to fix the problem. Except for go to bed earlier, which has been surprisingly elusive. Gotta get on that.

So, dear readers, all 4 of you, I am posting this to say that I am taking a short break. We have a busy weekend ahead of us, and I don't know when I will be back. Chances are good that I'll be back Monday, but it might take me a little longer to get everything back under enough control that I don't feel guilty blogging (and I don't post the same thing twice). You know how that goes, right?

Y'all are the best.


1 comment:

  1. Ashley,

    Don't let it all get to you...your everyday readers will forgive you for a hiatus and be all too excited to have you back.

    I am learning about rest and refreshment this week. I am learning about letting God set the to-do list (REALLY STILL learning this one...) but it has been an amazing experience...you know what I have discovered...when I ask God for His priorities and don't add what I think I should be doing to the list...the list is so, well...doable!

    As for exhaustion... I am praying for you..seems a lot of my Christian friends are struggling for peace and, well, for a good night's sleep right now...somethin's a-brewin' my friend..and it's gonna be good!


Thank you so much for taking a moment to leave a comment. I love hearing from you!
