It's Monday! And that means it's time for another Manic Monday post. This week's MM is coming up in the evening, for a change of pace. At least, that's what I'm going to pose this late post as. Here goes! And of course, please play along here.
What word describes you best?
ooooh..just one word? I'd really like to do some kind of deep philosophical cop-out and say something like 'myself' - but that's lame. I think one word that describes me well, if not best, is actually introverted. I am really introverted, and this is a major driving force behind what matters to me, and in a large part it shapes who I am. Because I'm introverted, I want to be home a lot, and because I spend a lot of time at home, I want my home to be a nice, warm, welcoming, interesting place. Because I'm introverted, I limit the number of people I spend time with, and the friendships I do have are really meaningful to me. To pass the time, I might knit or sew or write or read - solo, quiet activities. I have an interest in photography - always looking and observing, less inclined to be a part of the action and more inclined to watch the action and enjoy it from my own perspective. You know, that kind of thing.
What drives you every day?
A 2001 Toyota Highlander.
Jokes aside, I don't know. I love my job, I like getting up in the morning and going to work. But career isn't what drives me. I don't know what drives me, really. Just a resolute understanding that no matter what, this is life and life goes on.
Where do you want to retire?
Oh! I know this one! Hawaii!
Or maybe Alaska!!
Or maybe a yurt in New Mexico!
Or a house boat!
Or a beach house on the rocky Maine coast!
oooh...I don't know.
How about you?
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